Welcome to the website of the Campaign for a new health and fitness centre in Cowley.
RIP Vim Rodrigo, TCP Architect
We have sad news that Vim Rodrigo, architect of Temple Cowley Pools, passed away earlier in 2020. Vim was a constant support to our Campaign, supplying all sorts of real information about how he designed and planned the centre. A lovely man who will be greatly missed, Vim was an inspiration to the Campaign group has he related his original vision for Temple Cowley Pools. He was truly innovative in his design.
About the New Temple Cowley Pools Campaign
The community of over 40,000 people in and around Temple Cowley has been deprived of local access to health and fitness facilities since December 2014. The New Temple Cowley Pools Campaign is working to provide these facilities. We hold regular meetings to discuss progress on the Campaign - please contact us to get involved.